Vacation Bible School
Parent Faq:

What time does VBS start? VBS begins every night at 6:30 pm. The registration tables will open up at 6:00 pm and will have friendly volunteers at them throughout the night to get your child registered and to the right place.
Who may attend VBS? VBS is for potty-trained children between the ages of 3 years old and 6th grade.
Where do I drop off my children?
Please bring your child in through the main doors and to the registration tables. If your child has allergies, please make sure to stop by our allergy table to review the snack each night. After registration, your child will be directed to the general assembly in the auditorium. As a parent or guardian, you may feel free to sit and observe everything as long as we have ample space, and your presence is not a disruption to the children.
Do I have to pay anything? VBS is free to your children and their guests! Each night we will be taking up a penny offering to be sent to a Christian camp in the United States working with underprivileged children. There is no pressure to participate.
What time does VBS end? VBS ends every night at 8:30 pm.
Where do I pick up my children?
We are asking that all parents and care-givers line up at the double doors closest to the auditorium. Your child will then be dismissed from the auditorium. In order to ensure your child is leaving with the correct person, the worker will match your child’s bracelet number with the number that you were given at the registration table when you dropped off your child.
Do I need to pre-register? Pre-registration is not a requirement; you can register at the door every night. Pre-registration will save you time at check-in and helps us ensure that each class is adequately staffed. PLEASE HELP US PLAN BY REGISTERING!
Is it okay if we can’t make it every night? Absolutely! We would love to see your child at every night possible, but understand the busyness of the modern family schedule.
Does my child need to bring anything? Although they may be asked to bring things to earn points, your child is not required to bring anything to participate.
How does my child earn points? Your child can earn points for their team through attendance, bringing guests, wearing their team color and saying their Bible verses from memory (all or none can be said each night).
What are points for? Points are tallied to help determine a winning team each night. Tokens will be given throughout the night for reciting memory verses and bringing guests. These tokens can be exchanged for individual prizes or to give their team an advantage in the overall competition.
When is the Closing Ceremony? We will be having a closing performance on Sunday, July 14th at 6pm. We would like to invite you and all of your family and friends to come on out to hear your child sing the songs and recite the Bible verses that they have learned.
Who may attend VBS? VBS is for potty-trained children between the ages of 3 years old and 6th grade.
Where do I drop off my children?
Please bring your child in through the main doors and to the registration tables. If your child has allergies, please make sure to stop by our allergy table to review the snack each night. After registration, your child will be directed to the general assembly in the auditorium. As a parent or guardian, you may feel free to sit and observe everything as long as we have ample space, and your presence is not a disruption to the children.
Do I have to pay anything? VBS is free to your children and their guests! Each night we will be taking up a penny offering to be sent to a Christian camp in the United States working with underprivileged children. There is no pressure to participate.
What time does VBS end? VBS ends every night at 8:30 pm.
Where do I pick up my children?
We are asking that all parents and care-givers line up at the double doors closest to the auditorium. Your child will then be dismissed from the auditorium. In order to ensure your child is leaving with the correct person, the worker will match your child’s bracelet number with the number that you were given at the registration table when you dropped off your child.
Do I need to pre-register? Pre-registration is not a requirement; you can register at the door every night. Pre-registration will save you time at check-in and helps us ensure that each class is adequately staffed. PLEASE HELP US PLAN BY REGISTERING!
Is it okay if we can’t make it every night? Absolutely! We would love to see your child at every night possible, but understand the busyness of the modern family schedule.
Does my child need to bring anything? Although they may be asked to bring things to earn points, your child is not required to bring anything to participate.
How does my child earn points? Your child can earn points for their team through attendance, bringing guests, wearing their team color and saying their Bible verses from memory (all or none can be said each night).
What are points for? Points are tallied to help determine a winning team each night. Tokens will be given throughout the night for reciting memory verses and bringing guests. These tokens can be exchanged for individual prizes or to give their team an advantage in the overall competition.
When is the Closing Ceremony? We will be having a closing performance on Sunday, July 14th at 6pm. We would like to invite you and all of your family and friends to come on out to hear your child sing the songs and recite the Bible verses that they have learned.