Once or twice a month we have men and women who willingly go into the Greene County jail system. Our efforts are to encourage people of the freedom they can have through Jesus Christ if they would only trust Him now and forever with their lives. We envision a future in which the men and women in our jails, are redeemed, restored, and reconciled through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. We desire to spread the Gospel and nurture disciples behind jail bars, so that men and women become new creations in Christ – not repeat offenders. We prepare Christian inmates to become leaders of their families, communities, and churches once they are released back into the community.
If you would like to serve in this important ministry to either then men's or women's jail, you must be put on an approved visitor list. Please stop by our welcome center to be pointed in the right direction.
If you would like to serve in this important ministry to either then men's or women's jail, you must be put on an approved visitor list. Please stop by our welcome center to be pointed in the right direction.